Has an employer reached out to you directly? Please forward the inquiry to: Tess Hamilton-Ward, Assistant Director for Employer Relations, at thamiltonwar@wesleyan.edu.
Questions about hiring a student? Learn more here.
Click here for information on career outcomes for new graduates.
Want to co-sponsor a career-related event with the GCC? Message careercenter@wesleyan.edu and we’ll put you in touch with your departmental contact.
Getting questions from students about their potential careers? Read on!
The Gordon Career Center realizes that students don’t come only to us for advice, but to countless other trusted sources across the Wesleyan community. We encourage you to refer them to a career advisor if you feel their questions go beyond your expertise, but below are some questions you could consider asking to help guide your conversation.
- How have you gone about choosing your courses thus far? What factors are influencing your decisions about next semester?
- How did you decide what to get involved with on campus? What has your experience been like?
- If you could start your time at Wesleyan over, what, if anything, would you do differently?
- Are you feeling pressure to make decisions about your future? Where is that pressure coming from? How are you responding to it?
- There are many ways that Wesleyan alumni have chosen to make a difference in the world. Do you feel drawn to any particular fields? Have you ruled any out? On what basis have you made those determinations?