Litigation, mediation, reconciliation, and consciousness-raising. These and other techniques can help us solve seemingly intractable conflicts. But how does a litigator, mediator, reconciler, or consciousness-raiser select an appropriate strategy for a given conflict? And once a strategy is selected, how does a conflict resolution specialist lead the parties to resolution? This course will show you the way…
In the first part of this course, we will study and practice traditional dispute resolution techniques. Each student will participate in two-person and multi-party quasi-judicial role-playing exercises and arbitrations. In the second part of the course, we will study and practice mediation, reconciliation, feminist consciousness-raising, and community-building.
We will then draw upon theory and practice readings, and our experiences, to answer questions such as: Should we match dispute resolution strategies to parties’ personalities or desired outcomes? Whose conception of fairness and social good should guide our negotiation practices? Are dispute resolution techniques gendered, raced, aged, abled, etc.? We will answer some of these questions with the help of other Wesleyan students at a conflict resolution teach-in led by members of the class.