Major(s): Psychology, Government
Minor(s): Social Cultural and Critical Theory Certificate

What was the name of the organization you worked for over the summer?
Ungvarsky Law, PLLC 

What did you work on?
This summer I served as an intern for Ed Ungvarsky, a criminal and capital defense lawyer. The other interns and I assisted Ed in every aspect of his cases. My work involved editing sentencing memos, conducting fieldwork, and documenting jail calls and police body camera footage. I greatly enjoyed watching Ed wholeheartedly advocate for his clients in and out of the courtroom, and I cannot help but be inspired to do the same one day. It was an honor to contribute to the defense of his clients this summer. 

What was a highlight of your experience?
One of my favorite aspects of this internship was the opportunity to sit down with Ed for lunch or coffee to debrief after a trial or hearing. While I have seen attorneys argue in court before, it was an incredible opportunity to hear Ed break down his rationale and thought process after the fact. I learned that even the most seemingly insignificant remarks actually play into the greater strategy of the case as a whole, even if it is not immediately apparent at the time. I am so grateful to have been able to receive this kind of insight and mentorship. 

How did your summer experience impact you?
This internship solidified my desire to go into criminal defense law. I was able to partake in aspects of the legal process that I thought would not be available to me until after law school. Thank you so much for this real-world experience. It would not have been possible without the assistance from the grant. I cannot wait to use what I have learned to further my own education and career goals, as well as to continue to help those facing a loss of liberty in any way that I can. 


Wesleyan Summer Grants