HP Applicant Submittable Overview and Guidelines

Prior to using Submittable, you are required to schedule a Committee Letter Meeting with the HPAA via Handshake, and also submit all Registration Forms and the Committee Letter Processing Fee (or fee waiver) to the HPAA.

For more information, please download and review our Instructions and Overview packet, here.

Submittable is the platform that applicants to health professions programs will be using to upload documents for the Committee Letter Process.

Once you have met the above requirements, you will receive a direct link from the HPAA to the Submittable Form, which is called the “HP Applicant Profile EY2026.”

Please only use this form if you are planning to apply in the spring of 2025, for entry year 2026.

You may begin working on the form and save your draft any time after receiving the link from the HPAA.

Please begin filling the Submittable Form out with enough time to send your Letter or Recommendation writer requests early, even if you are not ready to submit the form with all of your finalized Supporting Documents until later (see p4 for more information).

The form will begin by asking you to fill in basic information about yourself including your name, preferred email address, mailing address, WesID, phone number, and class year, as well as whether you are a reapplicant.

You will then upload your Supporting Documents, indicate your Transcript request(s), and prompt your Letter of Recommendation writers to submit.

After you have completed all the required fields, you may submit the form by clicking the “Submit Form” button.

If you have submitted in error or preemptively, or need to make any updates to your Supporting Documents, please contact the HPAA who can reopen the form for you.

Supporting Documents

Please see screenshot below of the Supporting Documents section, where you will upload your HP Resume, Extracurricular Worksheet, and Personal Statement. Please refer to the Naming Convention section (page 21) of the EY2026 Instructions & Overview Packet prior to uploading.

Finalized versions of your Supporting Documents are due to be uploaded to Submittable by May 1st, so that is the latest that you should be submitting the HP Applicant Profile Form.

You may of course submit the form earlier, but if you do not complete and submit the form by May 1st, there may be consequences to your Committee Letter Process and Timeline.


Please see screenshot below of the transcripts section of the form.

If you have completed coursework at a non-Wes institution, you will get a few additional fields.

Please list the number of external transcripts you will be requesting and the institution names.

Please click “Send Request Now” to submit your transcript request to the HPAA.

Letters of Recommendation

Please see screenshot below of the Letters of Recommendation section of the form.

Enter your Letter of Recommendation writers’ email addresses, and click “Send Request Now.” You may choose to add a personal message to your letter writers, but it is not required.

Please note: Sending a reference request will not submit the form. You may send reference requests at any time; however, all requests will be sent automatically when you submit the form.

Please ensure that you have spoken with your Letter of Recommendation writers prior to sending the requests, and informed them of the Letter Writer Guidelines and the process for uploading through Submittable (page 5), as well as all requisite deadlines.

As a reminder, you must have at least three LORs uploaded by March 14th. All LORs and all Supporting Documents must be uploaded, and your Applicant Profile Form submitted, by May 1st.

Letters of Recommendation continued

Your Letter Writers will receive an email like the following when you click “Send Request Now:”

When your writer clicks “Complete Form,” they will be taken to a page to enter their basic information (name and email) and upload their letter of recommendation as a PDF.

If your letter writers have any questions about how to upload files or other difficulties, please put them in contact with the HPAA.

When the writer has uploaded their letter, you will see “Response received from [their email address].” You also have the option to resend requests, as shown below: