Major(s): College of Social Studies, Economics
Minor(s): Caribbean Studies
What was the name of the organization you worked for over the summer?
JPMorgan: Advancing Black Pathways Fellowship, New York, NY
What did you work on?
I had an amazing opportunity to be in New York this summer at many of the JPMorgan offices as a Corporate Strategy & General Management Track. This track focused on the different lines of businesses and tracks within the company that we could choose from for a summer 2023 internship. We learned about Human Resource roles, internal auditing, global finance and corporate management, and many more.
What was a highlight of your experience?
The highlight of my experience was learning how to network and speak to people. I realized the importance of networking by learning that “your network is your net worth.” The people that I was able to connect with guided me throughout the whole summer experience. One of the biggest takeaways was from my mentor who told me, “growth and comfort doesn’t exist.” Now, I am more open to taking calculated risks and not being afraid to “fail”.
How did your summer experience impact you?
I think that this summer experience will influence my time remaining at Wesleyan because now I am more comfortable and open to making connections with Wesleyan alums, professors, and even students!