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Vault Industry Guides

Vault Guide to Internet Content Jobs

The Vault Guides to Jobs series provides essential information about key careers and industries, with an emphasis on preparing for …

Vault Guide to Sports Jobs

The Vault Guides to Jobs series provides essential information about key careers and industries, with an emphasis on preparing for …

Vault Guide to Social Media Jobs

The Vault Guides to Jobs series provides essential information about key careers and industries, with an emphasis on preparing for …

Vault Guide to Journalism Jobs

The Vault Guides to Jobs series provides essential information about key careers and industries, with an emphasis on preparing for …

Vault Guide to Media and Entertainment Jobs

The Vault Guides to Jobs series provides essential information about key careers and industries, with an emphasis on preparing for …

Vault Guide to Communications Jobs

The Vault Guides to Jobs series provides essential information about key careers and industries, with an emphasis on preparing for …

Featured Courses

WRCT 201 – Writing Theory and Practice

Writing is central to education in the U.S., but how does someone learn to write? In this course, students will…

COL 339

Taught by Fitzpatrick,Joseph J.
In this survey of theories that have shaped the reading of literature and the analysis of culture, emphasis is on…

GOV 214 – Media and Politics

Mass media play a crucial role in American politics, as citizens do not get most of their information about the…

QAC 386 – Quantitative Textual Analysis: Introduction to Text Mining

We encounter computerized processing of text in almost every field of life. Google tries to infer the meaning of our…

QAC 203 – Hollywood and Big Data

Taught by a media research executive with a long industry experience this course is designed to provide students with an…

WRCT 308 – Ancestral Writings: (Re)Tracing AfroCarribean and Indigenous Frameworks for Creative Writing

Coined by Puerto Rican author Mayra Santos-Febres, “ancestral writing” elicits a reconceptualization of creative writing and its techniques from the…

WRCT 317 – Writing and Drawing Comics

This is an intensive workshop course for students interested in making comics. We will read comic strips and books that…

WRCT 265 – Creating Children’s Books I

The goal of the course is to develop the skills necessary to create stories and sequential art specifically aimed at…

THEA 350 – Calderwood Seminar in Public Writing: Arts Journalism

Arts Journalism will give students the opportunity to write about the arts in a variety of short forms that put…

THEA 259 – Facing the Blank Page

A 13-week course for the beginning playwright. Students will read 12 plays and write essays on each one, in which…

CHUM 380 – Exploring Personhood in the 20th and 21st Centuries

The goal of this course is to provide a thorough examination of the concept of personhood in the 20th century…

ENGL 292 – Techniques of Nonfiction

In this course, we will learn how to craft and revise short pieces of nonfiction writing that draw on our…

CSPL 493 – Internship

This course may be repeated for credit. Wesleyan has established a credit/uncredit internship course, CSPL 493, for students to receive…

QAC 250 – An Introduction to Data Journalism

This course is designed to familiarize students with the basic principles and tools of data journalism and to provide a…

COL 278 / SISP 278 – Medicine: An Artful Science or Scientific Art? Physician Writers Since 1900

In this seminar we will read physician authors since 1900 who have bridged the divide between the sciences, the social…

ENGL 242 – Longform Narrative

This course will explore techniques and theories that sustain multifaceted and long narratives in fiction and nonfiction. Students will read…

ENGL 228 – Life Writing: Writing About the Self and From Experience

This course will examine both the power and the complexities of writing that derives from personal experience. Topics to be…

CLST 330 – Classical Studies Today: Writing for a General Audience

This will be a seminar for junior and senior departmental majors, offered in association with the Calderwood Seminars in Public…

CSPL 268 – Reporting on Global Issues: International Journalism in Action

This course is designed to introduce students to various mediums of international reporting beyond the traditional print format, like video…

BIOL 365 – Calderwood Seminar in Public Writing: 21st-Century Biology

Twenty years ago, the landscape of biology looked very different. As the century began, the “rough draft” of the human…

Alumni Spotlights

Meet Jennifer
Meet Tom
  • College of Social Studies, French Studies
  • Assistant Director of Communications Campaigns and Strategy ACLU of NY
Meet Ari
  • Chemistry
  • Recipe Developer, Cast Member, Creator (Techniquely with Lan Lam) America's Test Kitchen
Meet Lan
Meet Liana
Meet Allen
Meet Stephanie

Contact & Location


Boger Hall
41 Wyllys Avenue
Middletown, CT 06459

Career Service Hours

Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm