Major(s): Computer Science, Mathematics
What is your current role? What was your journey in arriving there?
I am an Associate Software Engineer at MathWorks. After I graduated from Wesleyan, I started at MathWorks in the Engineering Development Group, which is a rotation program for new hires. I transferred into a development role in the MATLAB Verification & Validation area in December 2021 and have been there since. My work focuses on developing UI’s and API’s to enable and improve testing workflows in MATLAB.
What do you enjoy about your work? What challenges does your industry currently face?
I enjoy that I get to work on a project from start to finish, through a variety of stages. This involves the design, development, integration, and maintenance of a feature. Even if I work on the same feature for a long period of time, my job stays exciting since there are so many perspectives I have to take into account. Sometimes I struggle to know what skills I should focus on improving. In Software Development, it feels like there is an endless amount of technologies and tools that could be used. There’s not enough time to learn them all, and it can be overwhelming to know where I should invest my time.
Do you have any advice for students thinking about entering your industry?
Don’t be afraid to reach out to people who work at companies you are interested in. Sometimes that can lead to referrals and job opportunities, but even if it doesn’t, there’s a lot of value in reaching out. Setting up a call to talk with people in the industry can be a great way to learn about different companies, roles, and skills that may be relevant to you.
How did your time at Wesleyan influence your career choice/journey?
During my senior year, I worked in Professor Thayer’s Biophysics Lab. I did a lot of scripting, mainly with the purpose of helping Physics, Biology, and Chemistry students in the lab streamline their workflows. When searching for jobs, I wanted to find a role where I could continue supporting scientists in doing their work. I was fortunate enough to get a position at MathWorks, whose slogan is: “Accelerating the pace of engineering and science.”
Updated as of September 29th, 2023