Major(s): Psychology, Sociology
What is your current role? What was your journey in arriving there?
I am an Agency Lead at Google. I worked in advertising agencies across a variety of industries and verticals and then decided to try direct marketing in my role at American Express. When I had the opportunity to take on my current role at Google, it felt like the perfect blend of my ad agency and direct marketer experiences.
What do you enjoy about your work? What challenges does your industry currently face?
I love working for a company like Google which is always at the forefront of innovation on a global scale, which means I also get to interact with colleagues in different regions outside the NY area and internationally. On the flip side, working for such a big company means it takes a long time for decisions to be made and for things to get done.
Do you have any advice for students thinking about entering your industry?
My advice is to consider an internship after your junior year. Interning at an Ad Agency was a huge turning point for me and opened my eyes to an industry I never thought could be possible given my psychology & sociology double major.
How did your time at Wesleyan influence your career choice/journey?
I learned how to network in college by making friends with people in different class years, and keeping in touch with them after they graduated (for those that were older than me). Learning how to network and taking an interest in the jobs my friends/classmates were able to get post-graduation was a great way to get an education on the possibilities of different career opportunities post-graduation. Networking is how I’ve been able to create new job opportunities for myself throughout my career.
Updated as of September 29th, 2023