Required Campus Job Posting Template
Click here to download the required Campus Job Posting Template.
Example Template for Course Assistants
Example Template for Research Assistants
(Last Updated 8/6/24)
Copy/paste this template into the Handshake job description text box, and then plug in the information relevant to your position and department. Check out these writing tips and this guide to inclusive terminology to craft a strong and compelling position description.
Please note: this information and format is required, in order for your Handshake job posting to be approved. Completing campus job postings with this template ensures a speedier approval and publishing process for you. If you do not include this information in your initial job posting, our team at Campus Employment will reach out to ask that you update your job posting with any missing details that are required.
Why is the information in this template required?
Our required job posting details are standards set by the Department of Education. This information is required in every campus job posting in order to maintain federal work-study compliance. Including all of this information in your job posting helps us continue receiving federal work-study funding to support student employees and on-campus departments!
Additionally, through Handshake, student employees maintain access to their job descriptions and can reference these job descriptions at any time. These required posting details help supervisors clarify expectations, as well as help students understand all of the position expectations at the time that they apply. These job posting details also give students language to describe their position’s responsibilities, which helps them to translate their campus job experience into resumes for future jobs. Position descriptions must be clear and consistent to support student employees and employers alike.
Why is a standardized format required for campus job postings?
Campus jobs are a way for students to prepare for the professional world of work, beyond their time at Wesleyan. Standardized job postings and job descriptions are a professional norm across industries and fields. For example, the job descriptions and job postings for professional staff at Wesleyan are standardized to a specific format with certain required details, for the professional development and understanding of each employee. Additionally, standardizing the job posting format for all campus jobs ensures that students can focus on applying to positions that interest them, without having the formatting differences in postings affect their interest.