Performance Review Templates

Performance evaluations are a crucial aspect of a student’s growth and professional development. While not required, they provide a valuable tool for student employees to develop their skills by recognizing their strengths and identifying areas that require improvement in a constructive manner. The evaluation process establishes a foundation for supervisors and student employees to discuss the employee’s contributions toward achieving departmental and university objectives. Additionally, it allows managers to clarify job expectations, ask for feedback, make suggestions, and recognize achievements and success. Engaging in discussions with student employees about their performance demonstrates your investment in their personal and professional growth. We encourage supervisors to evaluate their student employees each semester that they work.

Get started with our performance evaluation templates: template one | template two 

Steps to Complete a Performance Evaluation

  1. Develop a consistent timeline for performance feedback and evaluation.
  2. Review the student employee’s job description, position responsibilities, and expectations.
  3. Identify the student employee’s specific strengths and successes, as well as areas for growth and opportunities within the role or department for your students to develop and hone new skills.
  4. Using one of our templates, complete the performance review form, constructively highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
  5. Meet with the student employee to review and discuss the form. Have an open, constructive dialogue, provide specific, actionable feedback, and address any questions or concerns. Allow for the student employee to reflect and respond to your evaluation and share any of their own comments, concerns, or feedback in the “student employee comments” section of the form.
  6. The supervisor and student employee should sign the completed copy of the performance review form, including comments, in acknowledgment of the topics discussed and future goals.
  7. Retain a copy of the signed form and give a copy to the student employee.

Email if you have any questions, or need clarification or further support.